Business mentor database

Client: Odyssey, z.s.
Created by: Barbora Růžičková (2017)
website development
Screenshot of the Odyssey website.
Database with hundreds of mentor profiles
Client can edit content in-house
Minimalist website in brand colors
Screenshot of the Odyssey website, a business mentor database.


Odyssey, an NGO, connects women in business with mentors.

The organization needed a business mentor database, a website where prospective mentees could find an up-to-date mentor list and apply for a mentorship.


I built a large website featuring over a hundred mentor profiles and several sign-up forms. Mentees can use these to apply for relevant mentoring programs.

The websites boasts a minimalist design based on Odyssey’s brand colors.

The client can edit and add website content themselves (I provided documentation). I add a new mentor section once a year and handle website maintenance.

Barbora understood my needs

I like it when people give a project everything they have. The ‘added value’ of someone striving to understand my situation and needs is an added bonus…

Barbora does both!

Markéta Čermáková
Manager of Operations, Odyssey
Screenshot of the Odyssey website – mobile.
Screenshot of the Odyssey website.
Screenshot of the Odyssey website – mentor profile mobile.
Barbora working on her laptop and smiling.
Hi, I’m Barbora, a website designer. Great to see you!
I design and develop minimalist websites for businesses with a multicultural twist.
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