Zdeněk Lyčka, a translator, traveller, and promoter of the Arctic, needed an online presence to showcase his activities.
In his pre-website days, Zdeněk promoted his services (mainly lectures) via email. He wanted a books and lectures website he could refer potential clients to.
I created a comprehensive website with pages for each service (lectures, translations, books). The site also includes a blog, a contact form, and event listings.
The logo is based on an illustration by artist Martin Velíšek. The website’s color palette consists of ‘Arctic’ blues and whites.
The client can edit, update and add content themselves, while I handle website maintenance.

Relief on website launch
Before getting a website, I promoted my services through email and on social media. It was a lot of work and a huge waste of time. When the website launched, I felt relieved. Today, I can let everyone know in one sentence that something interesting’s going on. And they can find out more on the website.