Developer portfolio website

Client: DBD Group, s.r.o.
Created by: Barbora Růžičková (2023)
website development
Screenshot of the DBD Group website.
Brochure website with project portfolio
Client can edit content in-house
Website design based on brand manual
Screenshot of the DBD Group website.


In 2021, DBD Group, a development company, experienced substantial transformations following several decades in the industry. As a result, its original website became outdated.

The client requested a basic one-page site showcasing a portfolio of projects. Additionally, they wanted to be able to edit content themselves.


The company brand manual delineated the logo, colors, and typography, setting the tone for the new design. One of the client’s requests was for the website to be ‘in motion’, a requirement fulfilled by including animations, dynamic image transaformations, and parallax effects.

The outcome is a compact website comprising a homepage, a project overview and a portfolio. The client manages the content themselves, while I provide technical maintenance. The updated website enables the client to effectively showcase their projects online.

The website was developed in collaboration with Orbitus Services.

An Excellent Cooperation

Barbora is an amazing and empathetic designer and developer. She created a beautifully minimal yet fully functional and modern website for our company, DBD Group. The cooperation was excellent, and the entire process was unbelievably quick and smooth. Thanks!

Pavel Dobrovský
DBD Group, s.r.o.
Screenshot of the DBD Group website.
Screenshot of the DBD Group website.
Screenshot of the DBD Group website – mobile version.
Barbora working on her laptop and smiling.
Hi, I’m Barbora, a website designer. Great to see you!
I design and develop minimalist websites for businesses with a multicultural twist.
Let's build your website together.
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