Tourist-friendly museum website

Client: Society for the Rescue of the Church of St. Giles (NGO)
Created by: Barbora Růžičková (2024)
website development
Screenshot of the museum website.
Client can add new posts and updates
User-friendly tourist information
Inspired by world museum websites
Screenshot of the museum website.


The Society for the Rescue of the Church of St. Giles is an NGO dedicated to repairing historical monuments in North Bohemia. They needed a website to present their activities to the public.

Initially, the Society’s activities were promoted on the website of a related company. However, as the project grew, the Society decided to move to its own online space.


The new website showcases the five areas of the Society’s activities and provides clear, easy-to-understand tourist information. The client can independently edit website content and new add blog posts, while I handle website maintenance.

The design is based on the yellow color in the logo and is inspired by the websites of the world’s museums and galleries.

Screenshot of the museum website.
Screenshot of the museum website.
Screenshot of the museum website.
Barbora working on her laptop and smiling.
Hi, I’m Barbora, a website designer. Great to see you!
I design and develop minimalist websites for businesses with a multicultural twist.
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